Featuring World Experts on 1) Nutritional & Environmental Medicine 2) Nutrient Therapy 3) Special Diets 4) Psychiatry 5) Brain Plasticity 6) Natural & Neuro Therapies
Mindd Foundation proudly invites you to the 8th Mindd International Forum to be held at the Australian Turf Club in Sydney, 15-17 May, 2015.
This year’s forum will focus on “Finding Your Balance” with the objective of educating patients and training practitioners in effective solutions for the prevention and treatment of disease.
Health and Happiness are all about balance. With balance we can reduce physical and emotional stress on the body which in turn reduces oxidative stress (rusting of our cells) and inflammation (asthma is inflammation of the lungs; arthritis is inflammation of the joints; cardiac disease is involves inflammation of the heart; ADHD, anxiety, depression and Autism involve brain inflammation). Integrative healthcare works to balance all body systems including nutrient levels, hormones, brain chemistry, blood sugar, the musculo-skeletal system, energy and emotions.
Practitioner Training will include a 3 day certification program combining 2 days of MAPS (US-based Medical Academy of Pediatric Special Needs) training and one day of Mindd training. The full 3 days is a prerequisite for certification and website listing.
General Public Education will include 3 streams; Food Is Medicine, Adult Health and Child-Teen Health.
Integrative Healthcare offers a holistic and personalised approach to treatment and prevention that supports the body’s innate ability to heal, grow, prevent and fight disease. Whether you are a parent managing your child’s chronic condition or an adult wanting to prevent cancer or heart disease, the Mindd Forum offers solutions for you.
Modern diseases are at an all time high and are effecting our children in large numbers. Emerging research points to diet, toxins, infections and lifestyle impacting on the 70 trillion cells in the human body as well as the 700 trillion cells that make up the “good bugs” in our digestive tract. By recognising that disease is not solely genetic, we can take charge of our health as well as the wellbeing of future generations.
Best outcomes result from teams of well-trained professionals and educated patients who work together to select, sequence and integrate treatments that treat the whole individual with a focus on addressing core causes versus symptoms.
The alarming rates of chronic disease are a sign that we need to rethink prevailing healthcare practices & lifestyle
(1) (2) (3) Australian Community Surveys, 2007 (4) Autism; Autism ACT, B. Buckley, A4. (5) ADHD & Mental Health; M. Sawyer, Australia & New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry, 2001 (6) Are Australian Children Deficient in Iodine. C.Eastman et al, University Sydney, 2006 (7) Allergies; B. Hill, Australian Society of Clinical Immunology & Allergy Annual Conference, Nov 2003. (8) Childhood Disease rise in Past 2 Decades; Dr R. Cosford, DAN! Conference 2009
The Mindd Forum 2015 features 4 educational streams designed to inform the community and also train health professionals.
Food Is Medicine (Practitioners, Scientists, Researchers)
Dr Natasha Campbell McBride, keynote speaker.
Feed your cells for optimal physical and mental health!
Learn how to feed your body and brain delicious and nutritious foods that treat and prevent disease. Nutritionists and chefs will present and offer tastings of foods that strengthen immunity, fight infection, support digestion, heal the gut, improve mood, build muscle, boost IQ, alkalinise the body, reduce inflammation and much more.
Child/Teen Health (Patients, Parents, Teachers, Carers)
Sessions will help parents, carers and educators select, sequence and manage a range of treatments including diet, nutrient therapy, musculo-skeletal and cranial support, sensory integration, Primitive Reflex integration, auditory & visual processing, speech & language, motor coordination, neuro-feedback, psychology, healthy home, and more.
Emphasis will be on learning how to balance body chemistry, behavioraland energy naturally to lay a strong foundation for neuro and behavioral therapies.
These sessions are designed for parents, grandparents, educators, psychologists, occupational therapists, speech pathologists, personal trainers, public health professionals, health-oriented business owners, policy-makers, sustainable farmers.
Adult Health
Sessions will help patients select, sequence and manage a range of treatments including special diets, nutrient therapy, preconception care, structural support, energy medicine, exercise, healthy home and lifestyle.
Emphasis will be on early detection and prevention and on reducing oxidative stress and inflammation as a fundamental part of preventing and treating anxiety, asthma, allergies, auto-immune disease, cancer, chronic fatigue, dementia, depression, diabetes, digestive disorders, heart disease, infections, obesity, schizophrenia. Understanding epigenetic factors effecting your health will help you manage the health of the whole family and future generations.
These sessions are designed for patients, educators, psychologists, health professionals, personal trainers, health-oriented business owners, policy-makers, sustainable farmers.
Practitioner Training
Click here for more information on practitioner training with Mindd Foundation and MAPS.
These sessions are designed for Health Professionals, Psychologists, Doctors, Paediatricians, Nurses, Naturopaths, Chiropractors, Dieticians, Scientists, Researchers, Pharmacists.
Practitioners who attend both days will receive certification and a listing on the Mindd Foundation website.
Parking is available on site
Certificates will be issued to practitioners with CPD points as follows:
Pending – RACGP QI & CPD Programme for Category 2 Points ( 2 points per hour) to a maximum of 30 points.
The Australian Homeopathic Association (AHA) awards 1 CPD/CPE point for each seminar hour.
The Mindd International Forum may be eligible for claiming CPD hours in accordance with the Osteopathy Board of Australia (OBA) CPD Guidelines. Osteopaths will need to determine which sessions are within your scope of practice. Please ensure that you keep your record of attendance and obtain your CPD documentation on the Australian Osteopathic Association website.
The Complementary Medicine Association (CMA) awards 1 CPE point per hour of training.
The Australian Naturopathic Practitioners Association (ANPA) offers 1 CPE point per hour of attendance.
In order to receive a certificate and be listed on the Mindd website as having attended the Mindd Forum ’15, practitioners must attend all 3 days of training, May 15-17.
Please note that Mindd Members receive a 10% Discount
Seating is limited so it is best to book early to ensure a place.
General Public Receive tea and a Mindd Forum Book (a healthy lunch is available for purchase at the Turf Club kiosk). Practitioner training delegates receive tea, lunch and one Mindd Forum Book. Please email info@mindd.org with any questions
All Refunds will incur a cancellation fee of 25% of tickets purchased. No Refunds eligible on cancellations inside 14 days of the Event.
Opportunities to be a sponsor & exhibit at the Mindd Forum are now available.
Exhibitors play a very important role in educating Forum delegates as they spend one-on-one quality time, offering information on a range of effective treatments and products approved by the Mindd Advisory Board. The exhibitors represent a range of important allied health professionals (audiologists, behavioural optometrists, functional neurologists, psychologists, behavioural therapists) as well as healthy products (nutraceuticals, food, personal care, healthy home).
If you are a past exhibitor wishing to exhibit in 2015 or a new exhibitor wishing to apply to exhibit please fill out this form.
Mindd Foundation gratefully acknowledges the vision and leadership of the following companies and organisations in recognising the need for the private sector to support a health paradigm that will allow all children the chance to reach their full potential.