May 18, 2021
Functional Medicine is a new way for practitioners and patients to interact so the best outcome can be achieved for the patients’ health. As Dr Mumper explains: “Functional Medicine is not your 10-minute doctor visit.” It is much more about looking at the complexity of the body and how all the various networks work together, she explains.
December 19, 2019
April 16, 2019
Increasing concerns about the weed killer Glyphosate [Updated April 16 2019] In recent years, the herbicide glyphosate has been making the news for all the wrong reasons and it is…
July 18, 2018
July 4, 2018
Vagus Nerve Stimulation May Be the Key to Improving Your Health. Inflammation is the underlying cause of most diseases as the immune system launches an inflammatory response to protect cells…
June 4, 2018
Thyroid diseases are more common than you may believe and affect millions of people worldwide. Recently, thyroid diseases have been increasing, and this has motivated researchers to investigate the cause.…
May 1, 2018
Graves’ disease and Hashimoto’s thyroiditis are two common forms of a larger family of diseases called Autoimmune Thyroid Disease, or AITD. How autoimmune thyroid disease develops remains a mystery. However,…
April 11, 2018
Natural fertility management is about improving the general health of everyone. This includes male and female partners and ideally will include the family who may be related. Leah Hechtman ND…
March 29, 2018
Growing healthy kids in our modern world is a challenge. With nutrient-poor soil and the ever-increasing list of chemicals that infiltrate our lives, the challenges continue to grow. Dr Shetreat-Klein –…
March 22, 2018
At the Mindd Foundation, we advocate the value of consulting with integrative health practitioners for all health conditions. As part of a team of health professionals, Health Coaches can guide and assist to support…
March 14, 2018
The human microbiome is home to about 100 trillion bacteria and other microbes. Understanding how to maintain the microbiome is important to practically every aspect of human health: To protect…
March 1, 2018
The importance of vitamin D really cannot be overstressed. Your body needs it for a variety of functions so that a deficiency can cause some serious health conditions. Nevertheless, researchers…
December 20, 2017
Leaky Gut Syndrome is one of many diseases that results from chronic inflammation. Poor gut health and inflammatory bowel diseases can be significant causes Gut Health is Connected to All…
November 21, 2017
Ear infections are often a challenge for children and families alike. There are many causes – and fortunately a number of good solutions that can bring relief and contribute to…
November 14, 2017
You have likely heard about the dangers of calcium or even magnesium deficiency, but zinc deficiency not so much. This leads many people to believe that zinc deficiency is either…
May 5, 2017
We need good energy! Everything we do requires energy – running, walking, sleeping, thinking, eating, and yes, even sleeping. We get that from our food, but there is a tiny…
March 3, 2017
It is estimated that the global prevalence of IBS (irritable bowel syndrome) is 11% in many populations. And it’s SIBO that may be responsible. Dr. Nirala Jacobi, BSHc, ND (USA) –…
July 5, 2016
Dr Leila Mason on how OCD can result from a sore throat In my practice I regularly see children who have all of a sudden become very anxious. They present…
March 30, 2016
Question anyone on the concept of metabolism, and you will surely receive responses supporting that everyone knows about it. Young children learn of its existence at school; science students worldwide…