April 17, 2018
April 11, 2018
Natural fertility management is about improving the general health of everyone. This includes male and female partners and ideally will include the family who may be related. Leah Hechtman ND…
April 9, 2018
Bone Broth is, without doubt, one of the most nourishing foods for our gut. So if we can include it in our diet so much the better. However, for vegetarians,…
April 4, 2018
Conventional or Orthodox Medicine centers around addressing a person’s symptoms, whereas Functional Medicine also focuses on why those symptoms exist in the first place. Functional Medicine is a type of…
March 22, 2018
At the Mindd Foundation, we advocate the value of consulting with integrative health practitioners for all health conditions. As part of a team of health professionals, Health Coaches can guide and assist to support…
March 14, 2018
The human microbiome is home to about 100 trillion bacteria and other microbes. Understanding how to maintain the microbiome is important to practically every aspect of human health: To protect…
March 1, 2018
The importance of vitamin D really cannot be overstressed. Your body needs it for a variety of functions so that a deficiency can cause some serious health conditions. Nevertheless, researchers…
February 19, 2018
Good fats are important to protect your brain function now and as you age. Research reveals the potential of quality fats to decrease the risks of Alzheimer’s disease. With aging comes…
February 6, 2018
Eating high-quality food is fundamental to providing good nutrition for the body. It is essential to ensure that food contains the maximum possible quantity of phytonutrients, vitamins, and minerals. This…
January 30, 2018
Children with Central Auditory Processing Disorder (CAPD) are easily distracted and cannot focus on an auditory task for very long. The more challenging the acoustic environment the harder it is…
January 16, 2018
Research on the health risks from exposure to environmental toxins is increasingly common. However, a cleaner home environment may be just as important as the air pollution in the community…
December 20, 2017
Leaky Gut Syndrome is one of many diseases that results from chronic inflammation. Poor gut health and inflammatory bowel diseases can be significant causes Gut Health is Connected to All…
December 12, 2017
There is now significant evidence that too much screen time has negative effects on young children. How old were your children when they started watching TV? How many hours do…
November 21, 2017
Ear infections are often a challenge for children and families alike. There are many causes – and fortunately a number of good solutions that can bring relief and contribute to…
November 16, 2017
What we now know about Arsenic in Rice has developed a lot with recent studies. Dr Leila Mason shares important information here, especially about how rice selection and cooking methods…
November 14, 2017
You have likely heard about the dangers of calcium or even magnesium deficiency, but zinc deficiency not so much. This leads many people to believe that zinc deficiency is either…
October 31, 2017
Leaky Gut Syndrome, as well as other digestive conditions, can go easily undiagnosed, but not so easily ignored. The right food for leaky gut can make a difference. Inflammation, food…
October 23, 2017
What is Mitochondrial Disease? Think of a cell. Then expand that cell and peer inside until you are looking at the microscopic organelles that make up its center. Right there…
October 9, 2017
For the past few years, the topics of mental health, emotional health and psychological well-being have received some much-needed attention. The Gut-Brain axis is now more relevant than ever. Emotional…
September 28, 2017
Brain inflammation has been linked to long-term neurodegenerative diseases such as dementia, so it’s important to understand the link between diet and brain health. When it comes to your diet,…