About Us

Our Mission

Integrative Healthcare offers real solutions for the whole family by combining diet, nutrient therapy, structural support, energy medicine and lifestyle to restore the body’s natural ability to grow, heal and prevent disease. Sometimes neuro therapies are also needed.

Mindd Foundation helps practitioners and patients discover and implement effective treatments for Metabolic, Immunologic, Neurologic, Digestive, Developmental conditions that often affect the mind. Our focus is on paediatric disorders such as ADHD, Asthma, allergies, autism, chronic illness, depression, learning and language delay, and digestive and behavioural disorders. Research is showing that these children are coming from families with a history of “brain-immuno-gut disorders” triggered by toxins, malnutrition and infections.

The rise in childhood disease signals a need for preventative healthcare that focuses on cellular health by optimising nutrient intake while minimising toxins.

Mindd Foundation, Healthy Cells For Life

Mindd Advisory Board

Mindd Board

Mindd Ambassadors

Meet the Mindd Team



Mindd Foundation